2025 Adopt a Counselor Program

What is Adopt A Counselor? We work hard to find the best of the best in
Summer Camp Counselors. We seek young adults who commit to 8-10 weeks of
ministry over the summer. They work to nurture, care for, guide and build up
the children and youth that come to camp. They are paid but it is not as much as
we would love to pay them. We know college and even life is costly and so we
know this only makes a dent in tuition or textbooks or room and board. Some of
our young adults want to serve as a Camp Counselor but may not be able to
afford to. Our camper fees are as low as we can make them. This is where we
were hoping churches, businesses and families would walk beside our

How does this work? We ask that churches, youth groups, women’s groups,
men’s groups, Sunday School classes, families or even businesses will ‘adopt’ one
of our Counselors. It’s a commitment of prayer and financial support.
Throughout the summer we will ask you to regularly uplift your adopted staff
member with prayers, letters of encouragement, and a care package or
two. If possible – either via Zoom or online if needed, your adoptee will worship
with your home congregation to introduce themselves and share and update
about our Summer Program. You will also raise $100 (or more) per adopted
Counselor and all that money will be put into a Summer Staff Adoption Fund which will be divided equally among the Summer Staff members for an end-of-
summer bonus. Our hope is to get them about $300 if possible.

Checks (memo: Summer Staff Adoption Fund) or correspondence should be
made payable to: Camp Occohannock, 9403 Camp Lane, Belle Haven, VA